Upcoming Talks:
- 04/07/2023 IACAP 2023 (Prague)
The Open Texture of Algorithm in Legal Language (with Davide Baldini).
- 27/07/2023 CLMPST 2023 (Buenos Aires)
Sound and Feasible Inferences: A Bounded Rationality Perspective on the Normativity of Logic (with Alessandra Marra).
- 27/07/2023 CLMPST 2023 (Buenos Aires)
The Normative Dimension of Logical Modeling (with Matias Osta-Velez).
- 05/09/2023 SILFS 2023 (Urbino)
Methodological Incommensurability: A Meta-Inductive Bayesian perspective (with Peter Brössel)
- 22/09/2023 EPSA23 (Belgrade)
Epistemic Niches and Kuhnian Runaways: How values drive the divergence of scientific communities (with Michele Luchetti)
∗= invited talk.